What is it Like to Take a Ferry From Oahu to Kauai?
What is it Like to Take a Ferry From Oahu to Kauai? image 0
A ferry from Oahu to the neighboring island of Kauai is a convenient way to get around the islands. But you might be wondering how the journey goes.
Horse Back Riding on a Beach
Horse Back Riding on a Beach photo 0
You’re missing out if you’ve never gone horseback riding on a beach! You should follow several safety tips before you take your horse into the water. First, make
Shipping a Motorcycle to Hawaii
Shipping a Motorcycle to Hawaii image 0
If you are living in Hawaii and have decided to buy a motorcycle, there are several things to consider. Hawaii is very crowded, and many hazards, including many
Is Surfing More Dangerous Than Riding a Motorcycle?
Is Surfing More Dangerous Than Riding a Motorcycle? image 0
There are some risks associated with surfing, but fatalities are extremely rare. The most significant risk is the rip current, which is responsible for nearly all oceanic deaths.